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Our Story
At Beprepared2treat, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive emergency first aid, stop the bleed, and disaster preparedness services to individuals, corporations, civic organizations, schools, communities, religious organizations, disabled individuals, non-profits, and persons with disabilities.
Our mission is to empower everyone with the knowledge and skills necessary to handle emergency situations effectively and confidently.
What sets BePrepared2Treat apart is our emphasis on realistic scenario training. We don’t just teach techniques. We prepare you for the intensity of real emergencies.
With BePrepared2Treat, you’re learning from a seasoned professional who has been in the trenches, dealing with the harsh realities of emergencies. Our courses are built on my firsthand experiences in trauma surgery and emergency medicine.
We’ll build your confidence, priming you to respond to chaos with life-saving action.


Our Products
BePrepared2Treat Offers a Range of Life-Saving Products.

Beprepared2Treat offers stationary wallk-mounted bleeding control stations that house two IFAK (Individual First Aid Kit) kits. Each kit is equipped with 3 to 4 tourniquets and other life-saving dressing supplies. We provide the flexibility to customize each IFAK ket by size ranging from a small one tourniquet pouch to a large 3 tourniquet IFA Kit. If you prefer to purchase just the pouch or kit without supplies, we can provide recommendations for products available at Target or Cosco to complete the kit.
In addition to our product offerings, we proved a comprehensive lab course that includes bleeding control training. This training utilizes the ‘Apprentice Doctors Control Bleeding Training Set’ designed to prepare individuals to effectively control bleeding. The kit allows students to practice on three different severities of bleeding, including venous, arterial, and amputation trauma. Techniques such as applied pressure, compression bandaging, tourniquet application and suturing can be practiced.

Our Services
Why we need comprehensive ‘Stop the Bleed’ Training Courses

Following a rise in mass shooting incidents across the country, there is a clear need for better field interventions to address uncontrolled hemorrhage. External bleeding is a leading cause of preventable deaths. Taking action to control bleeding before medical help arrives can be the difference between life and death, as delayed response times result in more avoidable injuries and fatalities.
During mass casualty incidents, bystanders often provide the first emergency assistance, playing a crucial role in increasing survival rates. Therefore, it is imperative for national public health to expand the pool of immediate responders to include bystanders during mass shooting incidents.

6824 19th St W
University Place, WA
Saturdays by appointment only. 7am - 4pm
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